idThe ID of the transaction.
numberThe Reference Number of the transaction. Shown in the dashboard and on receipts.
campaign_idThe ID of the campaign this transaction is credited to.
campaign_codeThe code of the campaign this transaction is credited to.
plan_idThe ID of a recurring plan this transaction is made under.
team_idThe ID of the team this transaction is credited to.
member_idThe ID of the member this transaction is credited to.
fund_idThe ID of the fund this transaction is credited to.
fund_codeThe code of the fund this transaction is credited to.
contact_idThe ID of the contact this transaction is credited to.
first_nameThe supporter's first name.
last_nameThe supporter's last name.
emailThe supporter's email address.
phoneThe supporter's phone number.
addressAn object representing the supporter's billing address.
communication_opt_inValue of the allow_contact field when donation was made.
statusThe status of the transaction. Possible values: succeeded, authorized, failed, cancelled.
methodThe method this transaction was paid with. Possible values: card, paypal, venmo, check, cash, ach, donor_advised_fund, digital_wallet, stock, terminal, in-kind, property, other.
amountThe amount the transaction was for.
feeThe full fee charged.
fee_coveredThe portion of the fee the supporter covered.
donatedThe final amount donated to the campaign after fees.
payoutThe amount Givebutter will payout to your account after fees. Note for offline donations this will be 0.
currencyThe currency the donation was made in.
transacted_atA UTC datetime string indicating when the transaction happened.
created_atA UTC datetime string indicating when the transaction was created.
capturedA boolean value letting you know if the transaction has been captured.
captured_atA UTC datetime string indicating when the transaction was captured. For non-pledge transactions this will be the same as created_at.
timezoneThe timezone for the transaction.
refundedA boolean value letting you know if the transaction was refunded.
refunded_atA UTC datetime string indicating when the transaction was refunded.
line_itemsAn array containing the Line Items associated with this transaction.
giving_spaceAn object representing the Giving Space for this transaction.
custom_fieldsAn array of custom field objects.
utm_parametersAn object containing UTM tracking data.
external_id (sometimes)Present when the transaction was created from an external source. An object containing the external_id and label of the migrated platform.
check_number (sometimes)Present when the transaction's payment method is check.
check_deposited_at (sometimes)Present when the transaction's payment method is check.
attribution_dataAttribution data passed into donation forms using Givebutter Analytics. (?gba_KEY=value)