idThe ID of the Contact.
first_nameThe contact's first name.
middle_nameThe contact's middle name.
last_nameThe contact's last name.
dobAn ISO 8601 datetime indicating the contact's date of birth.
companyThe contact's company.
titleThe contact's title/position.
twitter_urlThe contact's Twitter profile page URL.
linkedin_urlThe contact's LinkedIn profile page URL.
facebook_urlThe contact's Facebook profile page URL.
emailsAn array of objects representing the contact's email addresses (each object includes value and type).

Possible values for type: personal, work
phonesAn array of objects representing the contact's phone numbers (each object includes value and type).

Possible values for type: work, home, cell
primary_emailThe contact's primary email address as a string.
primary_phoneThe contact's primary phone number as a string.
noteA text note on the contact.
addressesAn array of objects representing the contact's addresses (each address is composed of address_1, address_2, city, state, zipcode, country, type, is_primary, created_at, updated_at).
Possible values for type: home, work
primary_addressThe address object, which represents the contact's primary address.
statsAn object composed of recurring_donations and total_donations, each being a number representing donation amounts in dollars.
tagsAn array of strings, which is used for categorizing the contact.
archived_atAn ISO 8601 datetime string indicating when the contact was archived.
created_atAn ISO 8601 datetime string indicating when the contact was created.
updated_atAn ISO 8601 datetime string indicating when the contact was last updated.