Table of Contents

Library Events


Events listeners allow you to take action when certain things occur.

In order to listen for events, call the addEventListener method of the window.Givebutter object.

The window.Givebutter.addEventListener function is available immediately after including the library. You do not need to wait for the ready event to fire.

  function(givebutter) {
  	// Handle event

Library Events


The beforeLoad event occurs Immediately after the library is initialized, but before the page is finished loading.

Name: beforeLoad
Constant: Givebutter.EVENT.BEFORE_LOAD
Parameters: givebutter (Givebutter elements library instance)

    window.Givebutter.EVENT.BEFORE_LOAD, // use defined constant or 'beforeLoad'
    function(givebutter) {
	  	// Elements is ready and accessible via the givebutter variable (or window.Givebutter) 
    	// but the page may not have finished loading yet


The load event occurs when the library is finished loading and the DOM is ready, but before the widgets are initialized.

Some of the things you may want to do at this step include:

  • Dynamic configuration changes
  • Load additional themes
  • Over-ride or extend widget methods

Name: load
Constant: Givebutter.EVENT.LOAD
Parameters: givebutter (Givebutter elements library instance)

    window.Givebutter.EVENT.LOAD, // use defined constant or 'load'
    function(givebutter) {
	  	// Elements is ready and accessible via the givebutter variable (or window.Givebutter) 
    	// but findWidgets() has not been called yet


The ready event is a special type of event that is guaranteed to only be called once. Unlike the load event, the ready listener will be fired immediately if the Givebutter Elements library is already loaded. To use any other methods you'll need to wait for the ready event by attaching an event listener as shown in the example below.

Name: ready
Constant: Givebutter.EVENT.READY
Parameters: givebutter (Givebutter elements library instance)

    function(givebutter) {
	  	// Elements is ready and accessible via the givebutter variable (or window.Givebutter) 
    	// Themes and widgets may still be loading