Store & track attribution data so you know exactly where a donation originated.
Widgets can automatically store attribution data for you and pass it along when a donation occurs. This gives you the data you need to track where your donations originated.
UTM & Query Parameters
The following query string parameters are automatically tracked when someone visits a page with a installed on it:
Parameter | Description |
utm_source | This tag identifies the source of your traffic (e.g. Facebook, search engine, etc.). |
utm_medium | This parameter specifies the marketing medium, such as email, social media, or banner ad, used to drive the traffic. |
utm_campaign | This identifies the specific campaign or promotional effort that's bringing users to your site, such as a spring fundraiser or a holiday campaign. |
utm_term | This is used to record the specific keywords or keyphrases used in a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign, helping to determine which search terms are most effective. |
utm_content | This distinguishes between different types of content or ads within a campaign, allowing you to track the performance of specific elements, like different calls-to-action or ad designs. |
gclid | Google Click ID |
wbraid | Web Braid - Used for "app to web" performance tracking on IOS 14+ |
gbraid | Google Braid - Used for "web to app" performance tracking on IOS 14+ |
gclsrc | Google Ad Source ID |
dclid | DoubleClick click ID |
fbclid | Facebook Click ID |
Updated about 2 months ago